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Jace Heart Tree

Once upon a time Jace & Eileen Schmitz were talking to the head of the food bank and asked “What do you need most?” and were told “Can openers for our guests who need our services but live in their cars or are homeless and can’t open the canned food” and after a humbling gulp, they asked if there were other non-food items that were needed and from that moment on Jace & Eileen committed to serving this un-met need in the community.

Once a year, every autumn, we ask the community to assist in gathering dignity items for the people who rely on the food bank to supplement their lives. From shampoo and conditioner to cotton swabs, pet food, razors, deodorant, and toothpaste, we fill a much needed void. And oh yes, can openers and chocolate kisses always play a role.

We accept all unopened and unused personal care items including that nifty collection of hotel-sized shampoos and soaps you’ve been storing.

Please let us know if you would like to be contacted during our annual Everything But Food Drive.

Jace Heart Tree
Honoring Jace


Food Drive Contact Request

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