The Real Knowledge Blog presents “Buying a House”
BUYING A HOUSE requires cooperation. Who owns WHOM?
Buying a house requires cooperation. You provide the money, click light switches on and off, obtain insurance, worry when the sink backs up, and pay property taxes even when you are not in the mood. The house, however, seems to take part in the relationship asserting its own unique power by having the front door stick only when your arms are burdened with heavy grocery bags and your bladder near bursting.
“We’re in this together” it says when that new paint color you select looks terrible once applied, when the south-facing living room window gets grey with mildew every winter though no other windows play along, and when only the highest, hardest to change light bulb needs replacing every few months regardless of inconvenience or lack of use.
The house creaks with fatigue from the weight of your burdens be they furniture or arguments, and it glows from late night conversations in front of the fire and when friends arrive to celebrate birthdays, and when you are up late solving a problem on your computer when you’d rather be in your bedroom where the floor squeaks perfectly in the same spot every day.
Who owns whom you might ask when big things happen; the roof leaks or the garage door breaks and suddenly your vacation budget goes toward repairs and the house smiles smugly at this sacrifice because just last night it heard you bragging over dinner that your home is the best investment you’ve ever made.
Search for that BEST INVESTMENT by following this link: Find My Home
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