It All Begins With Land
The most fundamental raw ingredient of home building is land. Or, more precisely, land that is properly zoned and is served by basic infrastructure. The price and availability of land, and the time and cost of turning it into fully-serviced building lots or multi-family sites, is the starting point for any discussion of housing supply and affordability. — Washington research Council
Land sells at a price a buyer is willing to pay…
and a seller is willing to accept.
Land Use:
More powerful than a locomotive, zoning restrictions can leap tall buildings in a single bound. From easements and CC&R’s to wetlands and irrigation rights a learned Realtor with an expertise in land sales is instrumental to the successful purchase of a parcel. Every community is unique as are the usages of the land within the community. Parcels, even plots within developments, might have features and restrictions which impact usability. Government regulations abound but are usually manageable, even understandable, if you know where to look and of whom to gather pertinent information. Property lines are not fences and power poles do not mean you can afford to install electricity – there is homework to be done and JACE Realtors are your teachers.